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Fees & charges for the 2022-2023 school year. 

Subject to change without notice. 

There are tuition, boarding & funds fees charged each term.


There is a separate, one-time fee for admission, see Admissions page

Tuition, boarding & funds fees (charged each term).

The three fee instalments will be billed as follows:

++Instalment 1/Term 1:      

++Instalment 2/Term 2:      

++Instalment 3/Term 3:      


As per the School’s regulations, fees are to be paid within 10 days of the start of each term.


Late/Unpaid accounts

If parents experience difficulty in paying the fees on time, they MUST communicate with the Principal ahead of time so that an arrangement can be made. To simply ignore the fee bill is not acceptable and will, as per School regulations, likely result in the admission contract being terminated and the student withdrawn.

Fees for day students (new)

K0 = Class 0, K1 = Class 1, P6 = Class 6, S1 = Class 8 (Matric), C1 = Class 8 (O Level), I1 = Class 11 (Intemediate), H1 = Class 11 (A Level)...

*Note that a Progressive School Levy of Rs1500 per term was approved by the Board of Governors but deferred until the Covid-19 situation has passed, likely then added to the Term 2 fee bill. This Progressive School Levy, along with several in-school fund-raising events will fund the Progressive School. Read more about our Progressive School.

**Monthly fee is for information only. The annual fee is billed in three equal termly amounts. A monthly amount is presneted here for information only. 

Fees for boarding students (new)

K0 = Class 0, K1 = Class 1, P6 = Class 6, S1 = Class 8 (Matric), C1 = Class 8 (O Level), I1 = Class 11 (Intemediate), H1 = Class 11 (A Level)...


*Note that a Progressive School Levy of Rs1500 per term was approved by the Board of Governors but deferred until the Covid-19 situation has passed, likely then added to the Term 2 fee bill. This Progressive School Levy, along with several in-school fund-raising events will fund the Progressive School. Read more about our Progressive School.

**Monthly fee is for information only. The annual fee is billed in three equal termly amounts. A monthly amount is presented here for information only. 

Scholarships & fee concessions

Please note that Sadiq Public School is unable to offer scholarships or fee concessions. 

  1. The scale of fees shall be fixed from time to time by the Board of Governors.

  2. At the time of admission, the School shall charge:

    1. Admission Fee

    2. Security deposit (Refundable)

    3. School Development Fund

  3. Fee/ Dues will be charged on a termly basis and Parents must clear all School fees/ dues before the beginning of every academic term.

  4. The School fees/ dues shall be paid in full either through cash or as intimated by the Accounts Officer (in case of any change) through pay order/ demand draft/ online account.

  5. In case of online transfer, it is the depositor’s responsibility to submit a photo-copy of the online slip to the Accounts Officer clearly detailing the student’s name for verification.

  6. After admission and the payment of fees/ dues, no refund is given in general, except for withdrawn cases for which the fee will be charged only for the period of study / stay at the School.

  7. The following miscellaneous expenses may be charged:

    1. Uniform and P.T./ Sports kit, shoes/ footwear, books/ stationery.

    2. Medical treatment (inside and outside the School Hospital).

    3. Boarder’s Pocket Money and travel expenses.

    4. Payment sought through Vouchers duly signed by parents/guardians.

    5. B.I.S.E. Bahawalpur registration and examination fees and C.A.I.E. fees.

    6. Any other miscellaneous charges as determined by the Principal

  8. Overdue Accounts

    1. An account that has not been settled in full by the due date (i.e. the day before the school term begins) is considered an Overdue Account.

    2. Boarders’ accounts must be settled before the student is admitted to the boarding house.

    3. Day pupils’ accounts must be settled before they come to school on the first day of term.

    4. The Accounts Officer will distribute a list of all Overdue Accounts to all Boarding Housemasters/ Housemistresses, Headmasters/ Headmistresses, Vice-Principal and the Principal, identifying siblings, if any

    5. For an account overdue for 7 working days:

      1. A telephone call will be made / attempted by the Accounts Department, followed by a reminder letter to the parents (by courier) indicating the account has not been settled as per the Admission Agreement signed by all parents at the time of admission.

      2. An administration fee is charged on the day after the account becomes overdue.

      3. Overdue accounts incur penalty of KIBOR + 3% on the overdue balance.

    6. Accounts overdue by more than one month will result in the suspension of the School’s service to parents (i.e. the student may not come to school) and cancellation of any fee concessions.

    7. In exceptional circumstances, parents may submit an application to the Principal, clearly mentioning the circumstances of late payment, for which the Principal’s decision will be final and cannot be challenged. In such cases, the Principal shall clearly endorse the last day of submission of dues on the application, which will be clearly intimated to the parents and accordingly complied with. For such cases, post-dated cheques must be submitted and KIBOR + 3% will be charged on all unsettled balances.

    8. While an account remains unsettled:

      1. All staff including Housemasters, Housemistresses, Headmasters, Headmistresses will refer all inquiries on all matters by Parents to the Principal.

      2. No disbursements will be charged to the account, e.g. exam fees, pocket money

      3. No further children of the parent will be admitted to the school and applications will not be accepted.

      4. Students and their parents will not be allowed to participate in School events.

      5. Students will not receive examination entries nor receive leaving certificates.

      6. Accounts that remain overdue after one term will result in debt-recovery proceedings.

Tuition and Boarding fee payments

Tuition and Boarding fees are billed in three equal termly amounts in advance.

As per instructions of the FBR, Advance Withholding Tax (Adjustable) @ 5% will be charged on the above said Fee under Section 236-I of the Income Tax Ordinance 2001.

Personal expenses will be charged individually on he basis of 'actual-consumption', for example footwear and clothing, books & stationery, travel, photographs etc.                                                                     

Fee payments

Fees are billed in three equal termly amounts.

All charges will be increased by about 10% per annum and the fees may also be increased during an academic year if inflationary conditions require.

Late payment/Overdue accounts

There are penalties associated with overdue accounts / late payments. Please see Section 8 of the Rules of Business (above).

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